Hi! In the true tradition of very part-time blogging from just about every millennial human ever: it's been a hot minute since I hopped on here! There was a pandemic, there was life, there was a ton of excuses and blah blah whatever-blah.
Long, pointless story short: I've been up to a lot! I opened an Etsy store! I finished my second book! I started book reviewing for Net Galley! I started a new 8-5! I finally got the COVID (in June, 2022, so take that!) And now, I'm in the process of figuring out how to put this all together, under one banner. The creative writing. The copywriting. The book reviews. The Etsy. Oh, the Etsy of it all. Moving forward, you'll mostly find book reviews here, with miscellaneous announcements and blog posts from me, when things get extra interesting. In the sage words of the one and only Taylor Swift: long story short, I survived. And I'll be back again, and this time - I promise.
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