Would you recommend this book to someone? Why or why not?
What kind of reader would most enjoy this book?
How much did you know about this book before picking it up?
This is a novella, rather than a novel. What did you think of the length of the book - did it match the story?
Did either character give up too easily?
Did this book evoke any memories or create any connections for you?
Did you highlight or bookmark any passages from the book?
What were some of your favorite scenes from the book? Why did they stand out to you?
Why do you think the author wrote this book and what was their purpose?
If you could ask the author one question about this book, what would it be?
How did the author use language, tone, structure, imagery, dialogue, etc. to tell the story and create an effect on the reader?
Did the author use any literary devices, techniques, or styles to enhance their writing, and to what effect?
Discuss the author’s use of symbols, metaphors, or imagery to convey their ideas or emotions.
How would you describe the author’s writing style in a few words?
How did the main character(s) change or grow throughout the story?
What do you think happens to the characters after the novel concludes?
How did the author keep you interested or surprised throughout the story?
How did you feel about the ending? Was it satisfying or did you want more?
Was the romance believable to you? Why or why not?
Did you root for the main couple or not?
How would you describe the book in one sentence? What is the main point or purpose of the book?
What are some of the questions you have about the book?
What was the most memorable or impactful story, anecdote, or example in the book? Why did it stand out to you?
How did the author engage and persuade you as a reader in the book?
How did the author’s choice of how to frame and organize the book impact its effectiveness for you?
Did the author use a chronological, thematic, or episodic structure to tell their life story in the book, and how did this choice enhance their narrative?
How did the author develop their voice and personality in the book?
How did the author create interest and engagement in the book? What were the main events or turning points that shaped their life story? How did they capture your attention and curiosity?
How did the author’s story make you reflect on your own life and experiences?
Why do you think the author wanted to tell their story? What do you think is the main thing they wanted you to come away from reading the book with?
Did you find the author to be a reliable narrator of their own history? Why or why not?